Where to start and how to build financial freedom.
The world of super is something that every Australian is likely to experience and engage with. And have plenty of questions about.
Going from the bare basics to financial empowerment (and wealth creation!) can be a huge leap, so it’s important we break down some of the essentials.
Going from the bare basics to financial empowerment (and wealth creation!) can be a huge leap, so it’s important we break down some of the essentials.
Need clarity? Let's look at the essentials
Get an understanding of super, investing, money and the all-important knock-on affect that can come from being financially confident. Here, we cover a few key topics that to help Australians who are in their early working life.

What is super anyway?
Let’s begin at the beginning. Understand the basics – and what your employer’s responsibilities are.
What is super - watch and read

What are the different types of super funds?
The amount of choice could make a person’s eyes water. But not all funds are created equal.
Different types of fund - watch and read

Super and casual work
As a casual worker, freelancer, or gig worker, what are my super options? Find out about getting what’s yours.
Super for casuals - watch and read

The easier way to grow wealth
Passive incomes? Crypto curiosity? There’s an easier way to build future financial freedom… one that avoids the hype.
Grow wealth - watch and read

Keen to do your own research?
A tool that you might find helpful is the Compare Funds tool. Independent ratings agency SuperRatings provides comparative data on various super funds including some information on investment performance, fees and insurance.
Compare now