We’re Australia’s largest super fund, trusted by over 3.4 million members. Members benefit from our 38-year history of strong, long-term performance combined with low admin fees helping to build retirement savings. Our size and scale provides unique access to large scale investment opportunities, plus our tools and guidance help you to make informed decisions about your super. Anyone is welcome to join.

With a low admin fee and strong long-term returns, Hostplus is a fund for all Australians. We work tirelessly for our members, to help them build the financial future they deserve. A future full of good stuff. A future full of positivity. That’s a plus.

HESTA invests in and for people who make our world better. We’re a specialist industry fund with deep connections to health and community services. Click below to be part of a top long term performing fund that’s working for real world impact.

With a history of strong long-term returns, we're proud to be the fund for those that build and maintain Australia. Everything we do is to benefit our members, so that their hard work pays off in retirement. Cbus manages the investments for:

Smart, proactive investing and competitive fees. That’s how we help members reach their financial goals. The result? Strong long-term returns for members – and a list of awards to match. Join CareSuper for exceptional service and a focus on real care.

The Industry SuperFund for people in transport – including; trucking & logistics, bus, waste, airlines and on-demand. TWUSUPER provides fit-for-purpose insurance for your industry as well as services designed for people on the move.

We’re a trusted super fund with over 70,000 members and more than $5 billion in super savings. We're proud of our strong long-term investment returns and our customer service. Members have access to hands-on support and financial advice available across the country. We’re here to help you make the most of your super. We're the Industry SuperFund that accepts KiwiSaver transfers. Open to all, including New Zealanders working in Australia.
What is an industry super fund?
Industry superannuation funds, as the name suggests, were originally established to look after the super and retirement needs of people in specific industries such as construction, hospitality or healthcare, while protecting them from high fees and commissions. Nowadays however, all Australians are welcome to join them, no matter what industry they work in. And unlike retail funds, which are owned by banks and other large financial corporations, industry funds are in effect owned by their members. Currently, industry funds look after the superannuation of more than 11 million workers in Australia.
Only benefit members
An industry super fund is one that is run only to benefit its members, and not the interests of external shareholders. This means that profits are returned to the fund and its account-holders, instead of being paid out in dividends as is the case with retail (e.g. bank-owned) funds.
Low fees
A key benefit of industry super funds is their low fees, while still providing strong long-term performance, high quality, professional advice, a range of investment choices and insurance options.
Strong performance
On average Industry SuperFunds have out-performed retail super funds over the past five, ten and 15 years*. This means better returns and a more comfortable life in retirement for their members.
All industry super funds are regulated by APRA.
Industry Super Australia
Industry Super Australia manages collective programs on behalf of 8 Industry SuperFunds, with the objective of maximising the retirement savings of six million Australians. Their work includes the Industry SuperFunds marketing campaign, which provides information about superannuation and the benefits of membership of funds that carry the symbol.
*Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a fund. Comparisons modelled by SuperRatings, commissioned by ISA and shows average differences in net benefit of the 'main Balanced option' of 8 Industry SuperFunds and retail funds tracked by SuperRatings, with a 5 (50 options), 10 (31 options) and 15 (16 options) year performance history, taking into account historical earnings and fees - excluding contribution, entry, exit, fee caps/tiering and additional advisor fees - of 'main Balanced options'. A 'main Balanced option' being the fund's largest Balanced option where 60% to 76% of the fund's assets are invested in growth investments. This is generally the fund's default option. Where a fund does not have a Balanced option, the option closest to SuperRatings benchmark range of 60% to 76% growth investments is used. Outcomes vary between individual funds. Modelling performed on 6 October 2023 using data as at 30 June 2023. See www.industrysuper.com/assumptions for more details about modelling calculations and assumptions. Consider a fund's Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and your personal financial situation, needs or objectives, which are not accounted for in this information, before making an investment decision. ISA Pty Ltd ABN 72 158 563 270 Corporate Authorised Representative No. 426006 of Industry Fund Services Ltd ABN 54 007 016 195 AFSL 232514. Assumes initial starting balance of $50,000 and initial salary of $50,000.
Which funds have the lowest fees?
On the whole, industry super funds are set up to have low fees and usually have lower fees than retail funds.
Types of fees
There are different types of fees you can expect to pay, no matter what type of fund you are in. Administration fees for managing accounts in industry super funds usually comprise a small, set weekly fee, plus a percentage of the annual account balance up to a maximum each year. Investment fees are designed to cover the costs of managing investments in a member's super account and vary depending on the type of investment chosen. Fees can also be charged for insurance products, advice and certain transactions.
Where do I find them?
All fees are outlined on funds' websites, either on a dedicated fees page or on specific investment pages.
Can I change super fund online?
You can join a super fund online via the fund's website. All 8 Industry SuperFunds have online join forms. Usually, you'll need to have your Tax File Number handy, as well as your employer's ABN if you are an employee. Once you've joined, your new fund will be able to help find any lost super and consolidate all of your super into your new account, which means you'll only have one set of fees to pay, and therefore have more super for your retirement.
I am retiring now, are there extra things to consider?
Retirement should be one of the most enjoyable milestones in life, and there are a few things you can do in the lead up to retirement to give you more income from your super.
Speak to a financial planner
To make the most out of your move into retirement, make sure you're setting yourself up for the best possible retirement income, by chatting to a financial advisor who specialises in retirement planning such as the ones at your industry super fund.
Ask them about combining super with the age pension, the effect of deeming rates on a pension, and how to best use any end-of-employment payouts and windfalls.
Make some final contributions to your super
If you are under 67 of age, you can make up to three years' worth of voluntary after-tax (non-concessional) contributions to your super, to a maximum of $330,000, as long as no additional after-tax contributions are made in the two years after that.
This means you can make a final top-up to your super, and enjoy the tax benefits on the investment in retirement. You might also be eligible for a super co-contribution.
Plan to be active and connected
After a lifetime of working regularly, many retirees suddenly find all the free time, and loss of responsibility, quite daunting and deflating. Plan to live an active and fulfilling life in retirement by thinking about the things you want to do, the groups you want to join, new skills you want to learn and even old hobbies you'd like to pick up again.
Staying connected to the community, friends and family, and feeling valued as an experienced and capable senior in society is vital for the physical and emotional wellbeing of most retirees.
How many super funds are there?
Currently there are over 100 superannuation funds on offer to the public. It’s a huge array, which is why it’s important to compare funds. Over the past 5, 10 and 15 years, most Industry SuperFunds have provided better returns than most retail funds*.
*Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a fund. Comparisons modelled by SuperRatings, commissioned by ISA and shows average differences in net benefit of the 'main Balanced option' of 8 Industry SuperFunds and retail funds tracked by SuperRatings, with a 5 (50 options), 10 (31 options) and 15 (16 options) year performance history, taking into account historical earnings and fees - excluding contribution, entry, exit, fee caps/tiering and additional advisor fees - of 'main Balanced options'. A 'main Balanced option' being the fund's largest Balanced option where 60% to 76% of the fund's assets are invested in growth investments. This is generally the fund's default option. Where a fund does not have a Balanced option, the option closest to SuperRatings benchmark range of 60% to 76% growth investments is used. Outcomes vary between individual funds. Modelling performed on 6 October 2023 using data as at 30 June 2023. See www.industrysuper.com/assumptions for more details about modelling calculations and assumptions. Consider a fund's Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and your personal financial situation, needs or objectives, which are not accounted for in this information, before making an investment decision. ISA Pty Ltd ABN 72 158 563 270 Corporate Authorised Representative No. 426006 of Industry Fund Services Ltd ABN 54 007 016 195 AFSL 232514. Assumes initial starting balance of $50,000 and initial salary of $50,000.
References: APRA