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What is superannuation in Australia?

Superannuation is money that's put into a specific fund while you're working, so you can enjoy a more comfortable income when you retire. Most Australians have their super invested through one of the nation's 100+ superannuation funds, which include retail funds owned by companies and industry funds owned by their members.

How does superannuation work?

Super is the main way to save for retirement. Under Australian law, your employer must pay the equivalent of 11.5% of your salary into your super, and you can add to it yourself for an even better retirement. Your super fund will invest the funds for your retirement.

What is a superannuation fund?

A super fund is a special type of financial organisation that accepts, manages and invests your superannuation. When it's time for you to retire and you've hit 60, your fund can pay out your super either as a lump sum or over time as a regular income stream, often known as a super pension.

The funds are all different, so it’s important to compare super funds before choosing.

What is my superannuation member number?

Your superannuation member number is the unique account number you're given when you join up to your super fund. You'll find it on your membership paperwork, when you log in and on your membership card if the fund issues them. If you're still unsure, simply call your super fund and they'll help you out.

Who is eligible for superannuation?

In Australia, almost every company employee over the age of 18 is eligible for super from their employer - including casual workers and temporary residents. If you're under 18 years of age, you must work more than 30 hours in the week to be entitled to receive compulsory super contributions.

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