A good SMSF investment strategy helps to maximise investment returns and build the fund’s assets. The strategy is much like any superannuation strategy and should usually include a mix of assets and risk levels.
The actual investments are decided by the fund trustees or by professional fund managers on behalf of the SMSF. The strategy outlines the types of assets that best suit the members’ interests, and the proportion of each asset type in the overall portfolio.
Much like standard personal investment strategies, SMFSs can invest in a range of assets, including:
The three main differences between typical SMSF asset allocation and those of regular super funds are:
As well as being a plan for how the SMSF trustees will invest funds, hold assets, and return those assets back into cash, an SMSF investment strategy is also a requirement of the ATO and must be assessed in the SMSF’s annual independent audit.
The auditor can inform the ATO if they feel the investment strategy is not being followed correctly.
The fundamental aim of any SMSF investment strategy is to effectively meet each member’s retirement goals. Of course, every member and every SMSF is different, so each fund’s investment strategy will be unique, but they must all work in the best interests of the members.
To comply with ATO rules, a proper SMSF investment strategy should consider:
The strategy should be detailed and specific, including defining the proportion of each asset type, and the target range of expected return.
Under the SMSF regulations, there are some limits on what the fund can invest in.
There are also limitations on property investments in an SMSF around the purchase and use of the property.
SMSF investment strategy - ATO
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